Esteban I. Ramos
University of California, Santa Cruz
Ph.D. Student, Computer Science, 2021 - Present
Emory University
B.S. in Computer Science Minor in Applied Mathematics, 2019
Research Experience
Graduate Student Researcher, Fall 2021 - Present
Language, Systems, and Data Lab at UCSC
Work under Dr. Peter Alvaro in the intersection of distributed systems, networks, and operating systems
Improving microservices communication performance by leveraging new disaggregated memory technologies enabled by CXL
Undergraduate Student Researcher Fall 2019
SimBioSys Lab at Emory University
Worked with Dr. Arnold of Emory University on research exploring the simulation of exascale HPC programs
Researched synthesizing of traces of HPC motifs/patterns to benchmark systems on a system upscaling simulator
Invited Talks
- Computational I/O Stack Workshop, UC Santa Cruz, August 17, 2023
MCM/ICM: The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling(COMAP), Spring 2019
Outstanding Winner
Competed with Emily Rexer and Ishan Saran in the MCM/ICM 2019 and chosen as one of the 19 Outstanding Winners out of 11,000 participating teams and for publication
Paper published in the Fall 2019 Edition of the UMAP Journal, as A Monetary Evaluation of Ecosystem Services
Industrial Experience
Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California, USA, Summer 2022
Graduate Software Engineering Intern
Worked on RemoteProocedureCall(RPC) offload to Intel’s Infrastructure Processing Unit (IPU)
Significantly reduced latency through low level profiling and testing to reach zero-copy request/reply flow in gRPC offload prototype
NCR Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Spring 2020- Fall 2021
Software Engineer
Worked as a full-time Software Engineer in an experienced team using Agile methodology on a Microservices based series of Java applications deployed on Kubernetes with Apache Beam integration
Aided in the design and development of a configurable schema-flexible ETA ingestion platform for batch and stream processing of large numbers of customer records
Verint Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Summer 2019
Software Engineering Intern
- Developed a RESTful API in Java that facilitated querying of internal status information of a complex integration component in a largely self led project that was pushed into production after completion
Programming Skills
Languages: Proficient in Java, C, C++, SQL; Experience with Rust, Python, JavaScript, MATLAB, x86 Assembly
Frameworks/Tools: Proficient in UNIX, SpringFramework; Experience with Valgrind, linux-perf, Kubernetes, Apache Beam, Gradle, Maven, Google Cloud Platform
Relevant Coursework Distributed Systems, Compilers, Networks, Design of Database Systems, Systems Programming, Mathematical Modeling, Computer Security, Assembly Programming, Algorithms, Cryptography, Numerical Analysis
Native Spanish, Fluent English, Proficient in German