Esteban I. Ramos


University of California, Santa Cruz

Ph.D. Student, Computer Science, 2021 - Present

Emory University

B.S. in Computer Science Minor in Applied Mathematics, 2019

Research Experience

Graduate Student Researcher, Fall 2021 - Present

Language, Systems, and Data Lab at UCSC

Undergraduate Student Researcher Fall 2019

SimBioSys Lab at Emory University

Invited Talks


MCM/ICM: The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling(COMAP), Spring 2019

Outstanding Winner

Industrial Experience

Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California, USA, Summer 2022

Graduate Software Engineering Intern

NCR Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Spring 2020- Fall 2021

Software Engineer

Verint Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Summer 2019

Software Engineering Intern

Programming Skills

Languages: Proficient in Java, C, C++, SQL; Experience with Rust, Python, JavaScript, MATLAB, x86 Assembly

Frameworks/Tools: Proficient in UNIX, SpringFramework; Experience with Valgrind, linux-perf, Kubernetes, Apache Beam, Gradle, Maven, Google Cloud Platform

Relevant Coursework Distributed Systems, Compilers, Networks, Design of Database Systems, Systems Programming, Mathematical Modeling, Computer Security, Assembly Programming, Algorithms, Cryptography, Numerical Analysis


Native Spanish, Fluent English, Proficient in German